So, I don't have a life threatening illness, I'm not injured or confined to a wheelchair, so I know this may seem paltry to people who are suffering through those kinds of things, but this is very real to me.
I am ALWAYS sick.

The only time when I've noticed a significant drop in how much I get sick is when I'm drinking 4 kinds of (immunity boosting) teas and taking a whole bunch of vitamins and other pills every single day. When I let my guard down for a little while BOOM I'm sick all the time again.
Right now I'm suffering through my SECOND sickness for the month of February and it's only the TENTH day of the month. Ridiculous. Sometimes, I just feel like giving up. (though I'm not as cute as this kitty!)

I guess I just needed to rant about that for a minute. I'm feeling extremely frustrated and a little hopeless and depressed about it, but I'm trying to just be proactive about it- to be a leading lady and just FIND OUT WHAT THE PROBLEM IS and then DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
I guess that really is what Leading Ladies do when they are faced with problems. They don't waste time crying about it and saying how unfair it is. They just identify the problem and then fix it. I'll do my best. In the meantime, do any of you have suggestions? Or support, would be great too, I'm feeling pretty low. I'm gonna try channeling Lara Croft today- she never gives up.

Weight- 147 lbs.- it's hard to work out when you're sick. Somehow I didn't feel like going to my 6 am class with a fever. Maybe I'm a wimp.
Good luck at the doctor! If they don't find anything wrong, go to an allergist and get a scratch test done. Allergies could be making you sick - they often present like a cold (or flu depending on your constitution).
I'd like to be packing some "heat" like the girl in the picture...I'd just dare you to tick me off! :) Okay - so leading ladys need to have some pizzaz!
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